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About the data portal


The Luxembourgish COVID-19 Data Portal provides information, guidelines, tools and services to support researchers to utilise Luxembourgish and European infrastructures for data sharing, in particular the European COVID-19 Data Portal. It is regularly updated with new services, tools and data. Suggestions, corrections or other comments are most welcome.

This website is a fork of the Swedish COVID-19 Data Portal. It has been built using Hugo and uses the Bootstrap framework.

We welcome contributions to the website. To get involved, please contact us at

Organisations and people behind the portal

The Luxembourgish COVID-19 Data Portal is operated by the ELIXIR Luxembourg Node (ELIXIR-LU), the Laboratoire national de santé (LNS) and partners.

ELIXIR Luxembourg

ELIXIR-LU is the Luxembourgish node of ELIXIR, the European infrastructure for life science information. ELIXIR-LU focuses on long-term sustainability of tools and data for Translational Medicine.

Translational Medicine data integrate clinical information with molecular and cellular data for a better understanding of diseases.

ELIXIR-LU aims to facilitate long-term access to those research data and to tools for scientists in both academia and industry. This will allow the reuse of previously generated data to address new research questions and dramatically save time and cost.

Laboratoire national de santé

The LNS is a public institution established by the law of 7 August 2012 and operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Health in Luxembourg. Organized as a multidisciplinary institute, its four scientific departments and two diagnostic centers include services and units related to the fields of morphological and molecular pathology, genetics, medical biology, microbiology, forensic medicine and health protection.

The purpose of the LNS is to develop analytical and scientific expertise related to the prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of human diseases and to ensure the role of a national control or reference laboratory as well as to carry out forensic tasks. The institution also contributes to the development, harmonization and promotion of technical laboratory methods in close collaboration with local and foreign analytical laboratories. Within the scope of its responsibilities, the LNS also develops research and teaching activities in collaboration with ad hoc partners in Luxembourg and abroad.