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Publish your COVID-19 research data to make it available for the rest of the research community. The data should be deposited in a public repository together with descriptive metadata. For many biological datatypes, there are international databases that can be considered de facto standards.

Submitting data

SciLifeLab ( or NBIS ( can provide personal consultations for where and how to share data in a public database. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions. Your research group does not have to be affiliated with any particular institution to get our help, we are available to help everyone affiliated with a university in Sweden.

The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) hosts many different international data repositories which should be used if appropriate. For further information, see their COVID-19 Data Portal data submission page. For data types where no suitable international repository is available, your data can be deposited to the SciLifeLab Data Repository which is run by the SciLifeLab Data Centre. For human data which needs to be stored in a safe environment with controlled access, SciLifeLab can help with publishing and access control.

Here are our data submission guidelines for each specific data type:

Support for data management planning

SciLifeLab and NBIS can support you with Data Management Planning early on in the project to make data sharing more efficient, both through personal consultations and by providing a customised tool to create Data Management Plans. We can also assist you in identifying relevant repositories and common international standards for describing and publishing your data, as well as guide you through the submission process.

Depositing data in a public repository

By depositing data in a public repository, you accept that the data will be published and may be used and redistributed according to specific terms set by yourself or the repository in question. Data deposition is considered important and you may get credit and acknowledgement for sharing data. A publication often results in getting a unique identifier for your dataset, which is often required for a journal to accept a manuscript for publication. Data sharing is often required by funders.

If required, data can often be published with a set moratorium, which means that data will not go public until a date that you set.

Note that data from human individuals might need special considerations when it comes to publishing.

Storing the data at your university or SNIC

In Sweden, raw measurement data that is generated in a project belongs to the university, while the results are owned by the researcher - the so called teacher’s exception. Unless the data needs protection because of contractual obligations or personal privacy, for example in sensitive personal data such as biomedical measurements of humans, data is considered public.

The university has the legal responsibility to archive the data. Data publishing as supported here is important for the research process, but does not replace the legal responsibility of the university. As a researcher, you are recommended to ensure long term storage of your data in facilities provided by your university. While a project is active, compute and storage services can be provided by Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing, SNIC.

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